Issue 055

| Year 14

Cover of Issue 055

ISBN-10: 1949077446

ISBN-13: 9781949077445

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“It is a sad and beautiful world!” It was true long ago, in that back alley in New Orleans, where the Radio DJ told the Good Egg to BUZZ OFF, and it’s still true now, as this dark and delicious issue of LSQ illustrates.

We’ve got vampires and Venice, post-apocalyptic Canada (?!?) haunted woods and stolen names, and more darkness on the edge of town than you’d care to admit, especially if it was your town. There might even be a happy story or two in here as well, but I won’t tell if you won’t.

Just as we wait impatiently for Autumn here in the Northern Hemisphere, these tall tales and melancholy monsters are waiting for you, to let your guard down and be pulled under by their velvety subterranean goodness. Best not to keep them waiting.

Cover art

The cover art for this issue is "Warm Embrace" by Harkalé Linaï. See more of their work at their website.

Table of Contents